A group show starring Sweet Mama Gang & Friends
Chenxi Zhang (Hilda), Joe Eyre, Maria Thaddea, Yinuo Yu & Kassi Chu
This work challenges the notion of what it means to be asian. Showcasing our acceptance and embrace of these ideas, while rebelling against them as well. Sweet mama gang positions itself as a remix of the nuclear family, starring Sweet Mama the Boss (Hilda) as a single mother, raising her 2 cyber-children (Maria and Joe).
'Mama's House' tells stories about this kind of life, with drawings, hand-screened t-shirts, prints and paintings depicting the nuances of how we dress, what we eat and where we hang out.
SWEET MAMA GANG (collective)
Sweet mama gang’s ethos is centred around our Asian identities and how we grapple with that within a western dominated society. Drawing from the pop art and ready made movements, our work brings chaos and anarchy to the subservient Asian stereotype by remixing and reinventing these clichés. Think Vivienne Westwood meets hello kitty.
Shown in:
AD Space, Sydney, NSW (2023) [group exhihbition]