A tote design made in collaboration with ‘More Than Reproduction’ (a local ARI supporting Australian women in print) for 2024’s International Women’s Day.
The design played with the idea of femininity and its stereotypical imagery to explore what it means to be a woman in its most contemporary form. It features the peony - a classic symbol of feminine beauty in Chinese culture. From the perspective of a close East Asian neighbour Japan however, the flower hold masculine connotations. A matter of perspective and a matter of the individual woman.
Through the use of conventionally feminine decorative and floral motifs, the design also challenges the negative connotations of what is 'girly'.
The design was made to be a single-colour print to be screenprinted live at a workshop event in Hazelhurst Arts Centre facilitated by myself and the ‘More Than Reproduction’ crew. A limited-run was printed during the workshop.